Dec 30, 2011

It's almost 2012 - let's have a giveaway yeaah!!

I'm in a crazy mood today. Maybe it's because my hair is now blue. Maybe it's because I've eaten half a box of Roses chocolates. Yeah that might be why.

I love my followers so much I thought I'd do a lil giveaway.  All I ask of you is to comment below your new year resolution for 2012, and the best one wins a $50 voucher in my Etsy store. Yew! Competition ends midnight on January 3rd.

So get to it and write. I've got another half box of chocolates to eat while I wait.

T x


Anonymous said...

My resolution is to learn to hula hoop!

LM said...

My resolution is to get rid of my arch nemesis milk choc and turn on the healthy, sustainable food lovin'. And the dream is to make each day count!

Cairo said...

My resolution is to develop muscly upper arms instead of the bingo wings I am currently sporting. Also to challenge myself artistically

Mala Karim said...

Same as the last two years, my resolution is to pick up garbage! Apparently a lot of people are waiting for their mother to pick it up for them!!

chase the sun calligraphy + design said...

my resolution is to smile every day and not be afraid to step out of my comfort zone.

Vanessa said...

To eat more meat free meals and explore vege cusine more :)

Chris-Anne said...

Definitely to eat LESS chocolate!

librarylass said...

My resolution is to get out for a run at least one more time a week than I am currently doing. Bringing the runs per week to two or one, depending on the week. Also get more into the vegetarian side of eating, because vegetarian food is yum.

Grace said...

My new year resolution involves acquiring enough income to finally quit my job and emerging as individual, you know like a pretentious hipster.

Unknown said...

My NY resolution is to be more organized and on time and ... Oh. I missed the deadline. Seems I already suck at this.